Zip Code:

23153, Sandy Hook, VA

23153 is a Virginia Zip code within the city of Sandy Hook and the county of Goochland County. Its population is roughly 1,372.

The Real Estate Market in Sandy Hook, VA

The 23153 zip code of Sandy Hook, VA is located in the Eastern Shore region of Virginia. The population of this zip code was 9,827 as of the 2010 census. The median household income in this zip code was $69,539 as of 2010.

As of February 2015, the average home price in this zip code was $269,000. This is a decrease from the average home price in this zip code as of December 2014 which was $291,000. The average home value change for this zip code between December 2014 and February 2015 is -14%.

The percentage change in the average home value for this zip code between December 2014 and February 2015 is -14%.

There are a total of 2,906 homes currently for sale in the 23153 zip code. This number has decreased by -10% since December 2014.

Price Index: Richmond, VA

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