Zip Code:

23421, Parksley, VA

23421 is a Virginia Zip code within the city of Parksley and the county of Accomack. Its population is roughly 4,423.

Parksley, VA: A Neighborhood in Transition

The 23421 zip code of Parksley, VA is located in the Northern Virginia region and has a population of around 10,000. The median home value in this zip code is $212,000 which is about average for the region. The home equity in this zip code is also about average for the region at around $130,000.

There are a few factors that could contribute to the high home values and home equity in this zip code. First, Parksley is located in a desirable area with plenty of jobs and amenities nearby. Second, many homes in this zip code are well-maintained and have been updated recently. Finally, there are relatively few foreclosures or short sales in this area which could lead to higher prices overall.

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