Zip Code:

23435, Suffolk, VA

23435 is a Virginia Zip code within the city of Suffolk and the county of Suffolk city. Its population is roughly 30,626.

The Real Estate Market in the 23435 Zip Code of Suffolk, VA

The 23435 zip code of Suffolk, VA has a median home value of $213,000 and a median home equity of $144,000. This means that the majority of homeowners in this zip code have more equity in their homes than they need to cover current expenses. Additionally, the average home price growth in this zip code over the past five years has been 5%. This indicates that there is strong demand for homes in this area and that prices are likely to continue increasing.

While home values and equity are important factors to consider when purchasing a home, it is also important to consider other factors such as neighborhood amenities and commute times. The 23435 zip code of Suffolk is located within close proximity to many popular neighborhoods such as Lakeside Village and Fox Mill Village. These neighborhoods offer a variety of shopping options, schools, and recreational opportunities. Additionally, the commute time to downtown Norfolk is only about 25 minutes. Therefore, homeowners in this area should feel confident that they will be able to afford a house here even if prices continue to rise over the long term.

Price Index: Virginia Beach-Norfolk-Newport News, VA-NC

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