Zip Code:

23442, Temperanceville, VA

23442 is a Virginia Zip code within the city of Temperanceville and the county of Accomack. Its population is roughly 1,263.

The Real Estate Market in the 23442 Zip Code of Temperanceville, VA.

The 23442 zip code of Temperanceville, VA has a median home value of $119,000. This is a decrease from the median home value of $128,500 in 2016. The average home size in the 23442 zip code is 2,811 square feet. The percentage of homes that are single family homes is 69%. The percentage of homes that are multi-family units is 31%. There are a total of 1,527 households in the 23442 zip code. The average household size is 2.49 people. There are a total of 3,813 housing units in the 23442 zip code. The majority (92%) of housing units are occupied by homeowners while 8% are occupied by renters.

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