Zip Code:

23669, Hampton, VA

23669 is a Virginia Zip code within the city of Hampton and the county of Hampton city. Its population is roughly 40,996.

The Real Estate Market in the 23669 Zip Code of Hampton, VA

The 23669 zip code of Hampton, VA has a population of around 36,000 people. The median household income in this zip code is $86,000 which is above the national median household income of $59,000. Additionally, the home equity in this zip code is around $259,000 which is higher than the national average home equity of $217,500. This indicates that homeowners in this zip code are more likely to have a higher net worth than homeowners across the nation.

One reason why homeowners in this zip code are more likely to have a high net worth may be due to the high home prices in this area. The average home price in this zip code was over $300,000 as of September 2017 which is significantly higher than the national average home price of $217,500. Additionally, there are a number of luxury homes located in this area which may also contribute to the high home values.

Despite the high home values and strong demand for property in this area, there are still some opportunities available for buyers who are looking to purchase a property in this zip code. For example, there are a number of affordable homes available that would fit many buyer’s needs and budgets. Additionally, sellers who are looking to sell their property quickly may find success through listing their property on websites like Zillow or Trulia which allow buyers to view multiple properties at once and make an informed decision about where they would like to purchase their next property.

Price Index: Virginia Beach-Norfolk-Newport News, VA-NC

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