Zip Code:

23690, Yorktown, VA

23690 is a Virginia Zip code within the city of Yorktown and the county of York County. Its population is roughly 4,374.

The Real Estate Market in the 23690 Zip Code of Yorktown, VA.

Yorktown, VA is located in the Northern Virginia region and has a population of just over 23,000. The zip code of 23690 has a median home value of $236,000 and a median household income of $85,000. Yorktown is one of the most affluent zip codes in Northern Virginia and has a high percentage of home ownership (83%).

The average home price in Yorktown increased by 8% from 2016 to 2017. This was largely due to an increase in the number of homes available for sale (up 9%), as well as an increase in the average price per square foot ($157). The average home value in Yorktown is well above the regional median home value ($183,500) and even exceeds the national median home value ($217,600).

Despite this strong market growth, there are still some areas within Yorktown that are more affordable than others. The zip code with the lowest average home value is 23679 at $174,000 while 23690 has the highest at $236,000. Additionally, while 43% of homes in Yorktown are owner-occupied, this percentage increases to 57% when looking only at homes that have been sold within the past year. This indicates that there is still strong demand for housing within Yorktown despite increasing prices.

Price Index: Virginia Beach-Norfolk-Newport News, VA-NC

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