Zip Code:
23962 is a Virginia Zip code within the city of Randolph and the county of Charlotte. Its population is roughly 830.
Randolph, VA is located in the 23962 zip code. The median home value in this zip code is $128,000. The home equity in this zip code is $48,000. There are a total of 9 homes for sale in this zip code. The average list price for these homes is $137,500. This means that the median home value in this zip code is about 3 times greater than the average list price of all the homes for sale in Randolph, VA.
The percentage of households that own their home outright (without any mortgage) is 78% in this zip code. This compares to a national average of 63%. The percentage of households that own their home with a mortgage is 22% in this zip code. This compares to a national average of 28%. So, it can be seen that homeownership rates are higher here than nationally. However, it should be noted that there are more households with mortgages than there are households without mortgages so the percentage of homeownership here does not necessarily reflect how many people actually own their homes outright or how much debt they owe on their homes compared to other Americans.
It can also be seen from the table above that there are more houses for sale here than there are currently occupied homes. This means that there may be potential buyers out there who would like to purchase one of these houses but have not yet been able to do so because they do not have enough money down or they do not meet certain criteria such as being within a certain income range or having good credit ratings. So while housing prices may be high relative to other areas within Virginia, it may still be possible for someone who wants to buy a house here to do so if they have enough money down and meet certain other criteria such as being able to get good credit ratings or having an acceptable income level relative to local standards.
Zipcode | Population | Density | Timezone | Latitude | Longitude | City | County | State |
23937 | 1,794 | 9.5 | America/New_York | 36.94483 | -78.52616 | Drakes Branch | Charlotte | Virginia |
24534 | 1,208 | 8.1 | America/New_York | 36.87472 | -78.76692 | Clover | Halifax | Virginia |
23967 | 1,137 | 9.3 | America/New_York | 36.91799 | -78.63345 | Saxe | Charlotte | Virginia |
23976 | 34 | 1.7 | America/New_York | 36.84705 | -78.58415 | Wylliesburg | Charlotte | Virginia |