Zip Code:

24060, Blacksburg, VA

24060 is a Virginia Zip code within the city of Blacksburg and the county of Montgomery County. Its population is roughly 55,676.

Real Estate in the 24060 Zip Code of Blacksburg, VA

The 24060 zip code of Blacksburg, VA has a population of about 38,000 people. The median household income in this zip code is $85,000, and the median home value is $269,500. This means that the home equity in this zip code is very high. In fact, the average home equity in this zip code is over $300,000.

This high level of home equity can be attributed to a number of factors. First, Blacksburg is a relatively affluent area and has a large number of college students who are able to afford high-priced homes. Second, Blacksburg has been growing rapidly over the past few years and new homes are being built at a faster pace than older homes are being sold. As a result, the supply of homes for sale has been limited while demand remains high. Finally, Blacksburg residents have been able to borrow money against their home equity to finance various expenses such as education or purchasing a new car.

Overall, it appears that the 24060 zip code of Blacksburg enjoys very high levels of home equity relative to other areas in Virginia. This may make it difficult for residents to sell their homes if they want to move out of the area or if they need to borrow money against their home equity for other purposes. However, given the strong demand for housing in Blacksburg and the relatively low rates of inflationary pressure in Virginia overall, it seems likely that these levels will remain stable or even increase over time

Price Index: Blacksburg-Christiansburg, VA

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