Zip Code:

24151, Rocky Mount, VA

24151 is a Virginia Zip code within the city of Rocky Mount and the county of Franklin County. Its population is roughly 20,436.

The Real Estate Market in the 24151 Zip Code of Rocky Mount, VA.

The Rocky Mount, VA 24151 zip code has a median home value of $128,500 and a median home equity of $101,000. The zip code has a population of about 25,000 people.

Rocky Mount is located in the Roanoke Valley in southwestern Virginia. The city is known for its rolling hills and picturesque countryside. The city is also home to the University of Virginia and Western Carolina University.

The Rocky Mount economy is based largely on health care services, government services, education services, and technology-related businesses. These sectors have been growing at a rate above the national average over the past few years. In addition to this growth, Rocky Mount has seen an increase in residential development in recent years as well as an increase in sales prices for homes within the city limits. This trend is likely to continue as new jobs are created within the city and more people move into the area.

As of 2016, there were about 1,700 housing units available for purchase within the city limits of Rocky Mount. This number is expected to grow as new development projects are completed within the city limits and more people move into the area. As of May 2017, there had been 2 sales transactions recorded within the zip code which indicates that there are currently available homes for sale within this area at a rate of about 1 per week on average (although this number may vary depending on market conditions). Based on these figures it can be estimated that approximately 50% or moreof all homes currently available for sale in this zip code are being sold each year!

Price Index: Roanoke, VA

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