Zip Code:

24219, Big Stone Gap, VA

24219 is a Virginia Zip code within the city of Big Stone Gap and the county of Wise County. Its population is roughly 11,393.

The Real Estate Market in the 24219 Zip Code of Big Stone Gap, VA.

The 24219 zip code of Big Stone Gap, VA is located in the Appalachian Mountains and has a population of just over 2,000. The median home value in this zip code is $128,000, which is lower than the national median home value of $177,500. However, the average home value in this zip code is much higher than the average home value in other parts of Virginia.

There are a number of factors that may contribute to the high home values in this zip code. First, Big Stone Gap is located in an affluent area with a high concentration of jobs and businesses. Second, there are a large number of luxury homes available for sale here, which may account for some of the increased prices. Finally, there has been an increase in demand for homes here due to increasing population growth and rising wages.

Despite these high prices, there are still many opportunities available to buyers who are interested in purchasing a home here. The 24219 zip code has a low unemployment rate and strong economy overall, which should continue to support housing prices over the long term. Additionally, there are plenty of affordable homes available on the market that would be perfect for families looking to buy their first or second home.

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