Zip Code:
24293 is a Virginia Zip code within the city of Wise and the county of Wise County. Its population is roughly 9,575.
The 24293 zip code of Wise, VA has a population of around 10,000 people. The median household income in this zip code is $50,000 which is lower than the national median household income of $53,046. The unemployment rate in this zip code is around 6% which is higher than the national unemployment rate of 5%.
The home equity and home prices in the 24293 zip code are lower than the national average. The average home value in this zip code is $158,500 which is lower than the national average home value of $205,800. The percentage of homes that are owner-occupied in this zip code is around 60% which is lower than the national percentage of owner-occupied homes at 70%. The percentage of homes that are renter-occupied in this zip code is around 40% which is higher than the national percentage of renter-occupied homes at 30%.
There are a number of factors that could be contributing to the low home equity and home prices in the 24293 zip code. One reason could be that there are a lot more renters living in this area compared to homeowners. Another reason could be that there are a lot more low-income households living in this area compared to high-income households. Finally, it's possible that there are fewer buyers available for homes in this area due to stricter lending criteria or other factors.
Zipcode | Population | Density | Timezone | Latitude | Longitude | City | County | State |
24230 | 8,092 | 24.3 | America/New_York | 36.96108 | -82.46443 | Coeburn | Wise County | Virginia |
24273 | 6,072 | 37 | America/New_York | 36.96167 | -82.65647 | Norton | Norton city | Virginia |
24279 | 5,247 | 25.1 | America/New_York | 37.10263 | -82.61839 | Pound | Wise County | Virginia |
24246 | 492 | 388 | America/New_York | 36.86696 | -82.74519 | East Stone Gap | Wise County | Virginia |