Zip Code:

25060, Dorothy, WV

25060 is a West Virginia Zip code within the city of Dorothy and the county of Raleigh County. Its population is roughly 336.

Real Estate in the 25060 Zip Code of Dorothy, WV

The 25060 zip code of Dorothy, WV is located in the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia. The median home value in this zip code is $101,000. The average home value in this zip code has increased by 5% over the past year. In addition, the median home equity in this zip code is $41,000. This indicates that homeowners have a significant amount of equity in their homes.

Home prices are increasing throughout the United States and West Virginia. According to Zillow, the national average home price increased by 6% from January to March 2018. In West Virginia, the statewide increase was 7%. This indicates that there is a strong demand for homes in Dorothy and throughout West Virginia.

One reason for this demand is that there are many opportunities for homeowners to invest their money into their homes. Home equity can be used as a source of financing for many things such as renovations or new purchases. Additionally, homeowners can use their home equity to pay off debt or save for retirement.

Many factors contribute to the increase in home prices including population growth, low interest rates and an increasing supply of available housing units due to zoning restrictions being lifted or reduced across many U.S cities and townships (Moses 2017). While these factors are important, it is also important to consider local market conditions such as availability of land and construction costs (Zillow).

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