Zip Code:

25401, Martinsburg, WV

25401 is a West Virginia Zip code within the city of Martinsburg and the county of Berkeley County. Its population is roughly 14,790.

The Real Estate Market in the 25401 Zip Code of Martinsburg, WV.

The 25401 zip code of Martinsburg, WV is located in the Eastern Panhandle region of West Virginia. The population of this zip code was 10,811 as of the 2010 census. The median household income in this zip code was $42,906 as of 2010. The median home value in this zip code was $128,500 as of 2010.

As of March 2013, there were 2,547 homes for sale in the 25401 zip code. The average list price for a home in this zip code was $135,000. As of March 2013, there were 1,715 active listings in the 25401 zip code. The average list price per square foot for a home in this zip code was $72.

Price Index: Hagerstown-Martinsburg, MD-WV

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