Zip Code:

25405, Martinsburg, WV

25405 is a West Virginia Zip code within the city of Martinsburg and the county of Berkeley County. Its population is roughly 14,213.

The Real Estate Market in the 25405 Zip Code of Martinsburg, WV.

The 25405 zip code of Martinsburg, WV is located in the Eastern Panhandle region of West Virginia. The population of the zip code was 21,827 as of the 2010 census. The median household income in the zip code was $41,914 as of 2010. The home equity and home prices in the zip code are both relatively high when compared to other areas of West Virginia.

The average home value in the 25405 zip code was $128,000 as of July 2016. This is significantly higher than the statewide average home value of $116,200 and also higher than the national average home value of $181,200. Additionally, there were an estimated 906 homes in the 25405 zip code that were purchased for more than $250,000 as of July 2016. This is significantly higher than the statewide average home value and also higher than the national average home value.

The reason why there are so many expensive homes in this particular zip code is likely due to its proximity to major cities such as Baltimore and Washington D.C., which have a large number of wealthy residents. Additionally, Martinsburg has been a military town for many years and has attracted a large number of military families who have been able to afford expensive homes.

Price Index: Hagerstown-Martinsburg, MD-WV

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