Zip Code:

25840, Fayetteville, WV

25840 is a West Virginia Zip code within the city of Fayetteville and the county of Fayette County. Its population is roughly 7,400.

The Real Estate Market in Fayetteville, WV 25840

Home Equity in Fayetteville, WV

In the 25840 zip code of Fayetteville, West Virginia, home equity is a valuable asset. According to Zillow, the median home value in this area is $119,000. This means that homeowners in this area have a significant amount of equity in their homes. In addition, home prices have been increasing steadily over the past few years. As of March 2019, the median price for homes in this zip code was $130,000. This indicates that there is a lot of potential for homeowners to make money by selling their homes and investing the proceeds elsewhere.

Home Prices in Fayetteville, WV

The increase in home prices has had a positive impact on homeowners' equity levels and overall wealth levels. According to Zillow's analysis of federal data from 2016-2018*, those who lived in ZIP code 25840 during that time period saw their home values grow an average of 6%. This means that even if someone did not purchase a home during that time period (due to market conditions or other reasons), they still experienced an increase in their net worth as a result of rising home values. Additionally, since 2017*, there has been an uptick in sales activity within this zip code – indicating that more people are interested in buying or owning homes here. Consequently, it seems likely that prices will continue to rise over the next few years – which will benefit both current homeowners and future buyers alike.

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