Zip Code:

26101, Parkersburg, WV

26101 is a West Virginia Zip code within the city of Parkersburg and the county of Wood County. Its population is roughly 29,122.

The Real Estate Market in the 26101 Zip Code of Parkersburg, WV

The 26101 zip code of Parkersburg, WV has a median home value of $92,500 and a median home equity value of $146,000. This is a relatively high median home value and median home equity value when compared to other zip codes in the United States. The high median home values and median home equity values are likely due to the presence of several large universities in the zip code, as well as the relatively low cost of living in Parkersburg.

In terms of homeownership rates, the 26101 zip code has a rate of 63%. This is lower than the national homeownership rate of 68%, but higher than the rate for West Virginia (50%). The lower homeownership rate may be due to factors such as low incomes or high levels of unemployment in the area.

In terms of price appreciation, the 26101 zip code has seen moderate price appreciation over the past five years. Over this period, prices have increased by 8%. While this is slower than average price appreciation across all U.S. ZIP codes over this period (15%), it is still above average for West Virginia (5%).

Price Index: Parkersburg-Vienna, WV

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