Zip Code:

29210, Columbia, SC

29210 is a South Carolina Zip code within the city of Columbia and the county of Richland County. Its population is roughly 39,312.

Columbia, SC: The Real Estate Market

Columbia, SC is located in the southeastern part of the state and has a population of over 193,000. The 29210 zip code covers parts of Columbia and Lexington counties. Home prices in this zip code have been increasing steadily for the past few years, reaching a peak in late 2017.

As of September 2018, the median home price in this zip code was $239,900. This is up from $225,500 as of September 2017 and $197,200 as of September 2016. The average home size has also increased over this time period; as of September 2018, the median size was 2,811 square feet.

The main drivers behind these increases are likely due to strong demand and limited supply. There are currently only around 1,700 homes available for sale in this zip code according to Zillow data (as of October 2018), which is significantly lower than the 3,600 homes that were available at this same time last year. Additionally, many homeowners who have been able to sell their homes have done so at an above-market value due to the current market conditions.

Price Index: Columbia, SC

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