Zip Code:

29461, Moncks Corner, SC

29461 is a South Carolina Zip code within the city of Moncks Corner and the county of Berkeley County. Its population is roughly 38,324.

The Real Estate Market in Moncks Corner, SC

The 29461 zip code of Moncks Corner, SC has a median home value of $153,000. This is significantly lower than the national median home value of $217,500. The 29461 zip code also has a low home equity percentage of just 5%. This means that there are a lot of homes in this zip code that are worth less than what is owed on them. Additionally, the average home price in this zip code has decreased by over 10% since 2007.

There are many factors that could be contributing to the decrease in home prices in Moncks Corner. One possibility is that the economy has been weak over the past few years, which could lead to fewer buyers and lower demand for homes. Additionally, there may be some speculation going on in the market due to low interest rates and increasing values elsewhere in the country. Finally, there may be some issues with the quality of homes in this area which could lead to fewer sales and reduced values.

Price Index: Charleston-North Charleston, SC

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