Zip Code:

29575, Myrtle Beach, SC

29575 is a South Carolina Zip code within the city of Myrtle Beach and the county of Horry County. Its population is roughly 18,928.

Real Estate in the 29575 Zip Code of Myrtle Beach, SC

Myrtle Beach, SC is located in the 29575 zip code. The 29575 zip code has a population of over 137,000 people and has a median household income of over $60,000. Home equity and home prices in the 29575 zip code have increased significantly in recent years. In 2016, the median home value was $213,000 and the median home equity was $236,500. In 2017, the median home value increased to $235,000 and the median home equity increased to $269,500. These increases are likely due to strong economic conditions and increasing demand for housing in Myrtle Beach.

The 29575 zip code is located near many popular tourist destinations including Myrtle Beach State Park, Kiawah Island National Seashore, and Grand Strand Resort Area. These attractions are likely contributing factors to increases in home values and home equity in the 29575 zip code. Additionally, strong economic conditions are likely fueling increases in home values and home equity in the 29575 zip code. The availability of affordable housing stock may also be contributing factors to increases in home values and home equity in the 29575 zip code.

Price Index: Myrtle Beach-Conway-North Myrtle Beach, SC-NC

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