Zip Code:

29678, Seneca, SC

29678 is a South Carolina Zip code within the city of Seneca and the county of Oconee County. Its population is roughly 23,079.

The Real Estate Market in the 29678 Zip Code of Seneca, SC

The 29678 zip code of Seneca, SC is located in the northwestern part of the state and has a population of approximately 2,000. Home prices in this zip code have increased significantly over the past few years and are now among the highest in the state.

According to Zillow, home values in this zip code have increased by an average of 84% since 2012. The median home value in this area is $269,200, which is considerably higher than the statewide median home value of $179,500. In addition, home equity values in this area have also increased significantly over the past few years. As of May 2017, 78% of homes in this zip code had at least some equity remaining compared to only 54% statewide.

One reason for these high home values and equity levels is that there are a lot of affluent residents living in this area. The 29678 zip code has a median household income of $147,500 which is well above the statewide median household income of $60,000. Additionally, there are a lot of jobs available here that pay well above the average wage rate. For example, as of May 2017 there were 2 job postings that paid over $100K per year on

Despite these positive factors, there are some risks associated with buying a home in this area. For example, interest rates have been rising recently and could continue to do so for some time to come. Additionally, although Seneca is generally safe from major crime outbreaks like those that occur elsewhere in South Carolina (for example Charleston), it does experience occasional incidents such as burglaries or car thefts..

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