Zip Code:

29680, Simpsonville, SC

29680 is a South Carolina Zip code within the city of Simpsonville and the county of Greenville County. Its population is roughly 33,931.

The Real Estate Market in the 29680 Zip Code of Simpsonville, SC.

The 29680 zip code of Simpsonville, SC has a median home value of $145,000. This is higher than the statewide median home value of $130,000. The Simpsonville area has seen an increase in home values over the past five years. In 2013, the median home value was $122,500. By 2016, this had increased to $145,000. This trend is likely to continue as there are many families who are looking to purchase or upgrade their homes in this area.

One reason for the increase in home values in the 29680 zip code is that Simpsonville is a growing community. It has seen an influx of families and businesses over the past few years and this has led to an increase in housing demand and prices. Additionally, Simpsonville is located close to several major cities such as Greenville and Columbia which also contributes to its growth prospects.

Despite these positive trends, there are some challenges that homeowners in the 29680 zip code face when it comes to purchasing or selling their homes. One issue that homeowners face is that there are limited inventory options available for sale within this area due to its high demand from buyers. Additionally, many homeowners have been able to benefit from rising home prices by refinancing their mortgages which allows them to pay off their debts more quickly and save on interest payments over time. However, if interest rates were to rise again then some homeowners may find themselves struggling with high monthly mortgage payments

Price Index: Greenville-Anderson, SC

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