Zip Code:

29730, Rock Hill, SC

29730 is a South Carolina Zip code within the city of Rock Hill and the county of York County. Its population is roughly 55,858.

The Real Estate Market in the 29730 Zip Code of Rock Hill, SC

The 29730 zip code of Rock Hill, SC is located in the Upstate region of South Carolina. The area has a population of approximately 116,000 and has a median household income of $60,000. Home prices in this zip code have increased by an average of 9.5% over the past year. This is much higher than the national average increase of only 2.2%.

One reason for this high home price growth in 29730 is that there are many affluent families living in this area. Many wealthy individuals are moving to Rock Hill because it offers great schools and plenty of job opportunities. Additionally, the area is growing rapidly due to its proximity to Charlotte and other major cities. As a result, there is a lot of demand for homes in 29730 and prices are going up accordingly.

Another factor contributing to the high home prices in 29730 is that there are few available homes for sale compared to other areas in South Carolina. This shortage has driven up prices even more as buyers have had to compete for limited options. In addition, many homeowners who live in29730 have been able to refinance their mortgages at very low rates which has also helped drive up prices significantly.

Overall, it appears that home prices in Rock Hill will continue to rise at a rapid pace over the next few years due to strong demand from affluent families and low availability rates on homes for sale. If you're looking to buy or sell a home in this area, be sure to consult with an experienced real estate agent who can help you get the best deal possible

Price Index: Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia, NC-SC

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