Zip Code:

30058, Lithonia, GA

30058 is a Georgia Zip code within the city of Lithonia and the county of DeKalb County. Its population is roughly 59,751.

The Real Estate Market in the 30058 Zip Code of Lithonia, GA

The 30058 zip code of Lithonia, GA has a median home value of $128,000 and a median home equity value of $101,000. The 30058 zip code has a population of around 28,000 people and is located in the Atlanta metropolitan area.

The average price per square foot for homes in the 30058 zip code is $92 which is above the national average of $79. The average price per square foot for homes in the 30058 zip code has increased by 8% over the past year. This indicates that there are more buyers and sellers in the 30058 zip code than there were a year ago.

There are many factors that can influence home prices including interest rates, supply and demand, and local economic conditions. Over the long term, trends in home prices tend to follow general trends in inflation rates. In general, when there are more buyers interested in purchasing homes than there are available homes for sale, prices will rise. When there are fewer buyers interested in purchasing homes or when demand decreases (due to economic recession), prices will fall.

Price Index: Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Alpharetta, GA

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