Zip Code:

30064, Marietta, GA

30064 is a Georgia Zip code within the city of Marietta and the county of Cobb County. Its population is roughly 49,256.

The Real Estate Market in the 30064 Zip Code of Marietta, GA

The 30064 zip code of Marietta, GA has a median home value of $183,000 and a median home equity value of $101,000. These values are above the national median home value and median home equity values, respectively. The 30064 zip code is also above the Georgia state median home value and Georgia state median home equity values.

The 30064 zip code has a high concentration of homeowners with a mortgage. Over 60% of homeowners in the 30064 zip code have a mortgage. This is higher than the national mortgage percentage of 54%. The high concentration of homeowners with mortgages may be due to the high median home value in this zip code or because there are many affordable homes available in this area.

Homeowners in the 30064 zip code have an average credit score of 740 which is higher than the national average credit score of 684. This indicates that most homeowners in this area have good credit ratings which may make it easier for them to borrow money for a down payment or to get approved for a mortgage.

There has been an increase in home prices over the past few years in the 30064 zip code. The average price per square foot has increased by 10% since 2013 which is faster than the nationwide increase of 7%. This suggests that there may be more demand for homes in this area than there are available homes.

Price Index: Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Alpharetta, GA

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