Zip Code:

30067, Marietta, GA

30067 is a Georgia Zip code within the city of Marietta and the county of Cobb County. Its population is roughly 46,536.

Real Estate in the 30067 Zip Code of Marietta, GA

The 30067 zip code of Marietta, GA is located in Cobb County and has a population of around 107,000. The median household income in the zip code is $60,000 and the median home value is $169,900. The average home equity loan amount in this zip code is $128,500.

There are a number of factors that affect home equity values and home prices in the 30067 zip code of Marietta, GA. These include local market conditions (e.g., interest rates, housing supply), economic indicators (e.g., GDP growth), and personal factors (e.g., credit score).

In general, home equity values tend to increase as the economy strengthens and as the number of available homes increases. This is because homeowners have more money available to borrow against their homes than they did when the market was weaker or when there were fewer homes for sale. Additionally, as people’s incomes rise, they are more likely to be able to afford a higher mortgage payment on their home equity loan than they were when they first bought their house – which will increase its value over time.

However, there are also many factors that can influence home prices – both up and down – in any given area over time. For example, if there is an outbreak of a contagious disease affecting people who live near each other or if there are major construction projects underway nearby that could impact housing availability or demand for certain types of properties (such as condos or single-family homes), then prices may go up significantly even if the overall economy remains strong overall. Conversely, if there are unusually high numbers of foreclosures or short sales happening in a particular area due to weak market conditions – which would indicate that more people are defaulting on their mortgages or selling their houses for less than what they originally paid for them – then prices may decline significantly even if the overall economy continues to grow steadily over time.

Price Index: Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Alpharetta, GA

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