Zip Code:

30120, Cartersville, GA

30120 is a Georgia Zip code within the city of Cartersville and the county of Bartow County. Its population is roughly 40,945.

The Real Estate Market in the 30120 Zip Code of Cartersville, GA

The 30120 zip code of Cartersville, GA includes a population of around 107,000 people. The median household income in this zip code is around $60,000. The median home value in this zip code is around $160,000.

Home equity and home prices have been on the rise in the 30120 zip code over the past few years. In fact, according to Zillow’s latest report on home values nationwide, the 30120 zip code has seen the fastest growth in home values over the past year. This trend is likely to continue as more and more people move into this area and demand for homes increases.

There are a number of reasons why home values have been rising in the 30120 zip code. First of all, there is an increasing demand for homes due to increasing population growth and increased job opportunities. Secondly, there has been an increase in investment activity in this area due to its strong economy. Finally, there has been an increase in house prices because of low interest rates and strong market conditions overall.

While it is good news that home values are rising in the 30120 zip code, it does come with some risks. For example, if interest rates rise or if the economy weakens then house prices could fall back down again. Additionally, if there are any major problems with the underlying housing market then prices could also decline significantly. However, overall it seems that house prices are likely to continue growing rapidly over the next few years so long as economic conditions remain favourable."

Price Index: Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Alpharetta, GA

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