Zip Code:

30461, Statesboro, GA

30461 is a Georgia Zip code within the city of Statesboro and the county of Bulloch County. Its population is roughly 13,882.

The State of Real Estate in the 30461 Zip Code of Statesboro, GA.

Statesboro, GA is located in the 30461 zip code. The median home value in this zip code is $154,000. The average home value in the 30461 zip code has increased by 6% over the past year. Statesboro has a population of about 34,000 people and there are about 2,500 homes in this zip code.

The average price of a home in Statesboro is $154,000. This means that the median home value for this zip code is $134,500 which is 6% higher than the national median home value of $127,400. The percentage increase in homes prices from 2016 to 2017 was 7%.

The most expensive neighborhoods in Statesboro are: Willow Glen ($269,900), Northwoods ($248,700), and Eagle Ridge ($239,100). These neighborhoods have an average price 10% higher than the rest of the city. The least expensive neighborhoods are: Meadowbrook ($130,600), Westside ($137,200), and Southside($138,800). These neighborhoods have an average price 5% lower than the rest of the city.

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