Zip Code:

30533, Dahlonega, GA

30533 is a Georgia Zip code within the city of Dahlonega and the county of Lumpkin. Its population is roughly 27,113.

The Real Estate Market in the 30533 Zip Code of Dahlonega, GA

The 30533 zip code of Dahlonega, GA has a median home value of $129,900 and a median home equity value of $86,700. This means that the majority of homes in this zip code are valued at less than 100% of their original cost. In addition, the average home price appreciation rate for this zip code is 2.5%. This indicates that homes in this zip code have seen an increase in value on average over the past three years.

While there is some variation among homes within the 30533 zip code, it is generally true that most homes in this area are priced below what they were when they were first built. In addition, given the low level of appreciation rates and the generally modest size of mortgages in this area, it is likely that most homeowners will be able to maintain their current home values for many years to come.

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