Zip Code:

30540, Ellijay, GA

30540 is a Georgia Zip code within the city of Ellijay and the county of Gilmer. Its population is roughly 19,634.

Real Estate in the 30540 Zip Code of Ellijay, GA

The 30540 zip code of Ellijay, GA has a median home value of $171,000. This is higher than the Georgia median home value of $130,000. The 30540 zip code also has a high percentage of homeowners with equity in their homes - over 82%. This is higher than the Georgia average of 73%.

One reason for this high equity rate may be that the Ellijay area is relatively affluent. The median household income in the 30540 zip code is $87,500, which is above the Georgia median household income of $60,000. Additionally, there are more college graduates living in the 30540 zip code than in other parts of Georgia. This may contribute to the high percentage of homeowners with equity in their homes.

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