Zip Code:

30630, Crawford, GA

30630 is a Georgia Zip code within the city of Crawford and the county of Oglethorpe County. Its population is roughly 2,285.

The Real Estate Market in the 30630 Zip Code of Crawford, GA

The 30630 zip code of Crawford, GA has a population of about 10,000 people. The median home value in this zip code is $130,000. The home equity in this zip code is about $60,000. This means that the average person in this zip code has about $80,000 in equity in their homes.

The reason that the home equity in this zip code is so high is because the median household income here is very low ($32,500). In addition, there are a lot of people who are unemployed or have low-paying jobs. Therefore, most people here cannot afford to buy a house outright and must borrow money to do so.

Furthermore, the average person here does not have any savings whatsoever. So even if they could afford to buy a house outright, they would still be limited by their home equity to what they could spend on renovations or other improvements to their homes. This means that most people in this zip code are stuck living in their homes for quite some time unless they can find another source of financing (such as a mortgage).

Price Index: Athens-Clarke County, GA

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