Zip Code:

30705, Chatsworth, GA

30705 is a Georgia Zip code within the city of Chatsworth and the county of Murray County. Its population is roughly 34,031.

The Real Estate Market in the 30705 Zip Code of Chatsworth, GA.

The Chatsworth, GA 30705 zip code is located in the Atlanta metropolitan area. The median home value in this zip code is $247,000. The average home value in the 30705 zip code has increased by 10.5% since 2016. The percentage of homes that are owner-occupied is 67%.

There are a total of 2,914 homes currently for sale in the 30705 zip code. The majority of these homes are single family dwellings (69%). There are also a total of 202 condos and townhomes for sale in this zip code. The average condo price in the 30705 zip code is $153,000 and the average townhome price is $159,000.

The median monthly housing costs for a household in the 30705 zip code is $1,898. This amount includes mortgage payments, property taxes, and insurance premiums.

Price Index: Dalton, GA

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