Zip Code:

30721, Dalton, GA

30721 is a Georgia Zip code within the city of Dalton and the county of Whitfield County. Its population is roughly 53,960.

The Real Estate Market in the 30721 Zip Code of Dalton, GA

The 30721 zip code of Dalton, GA has a median home value of $128,000. This is higher than the national median home value of $123,700. The Dalton area also has a high rate of homeownership at nearly 96%. This is higher than the national homeownership rate of 63%.

One reason for this high homeownership rate in the 30721 zip code may be due to the low unemployment rate in this area. The unemployment rate in Dalton is only 3%, which is lower than the national unemployment rate of 5%. Additionally, many people in the 30721 zip code may have access to good credit due to its strong economy. This allows them to purchase homes more easily.

Another factor that may contribute to the high home values in the 30721 zip code are the low rates of foreclosure and eviction activity. In fact, there was only one foreclosure and eviction recorded within this zip code during 2016. This indicates that there are few opportunities for people who do not have good credit or who are not able to afford a home to buy one in this area.

Price Index: Dalton, GA

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