Zip Code:

30810, Gibson, GA

30810 is a Georgia Zip code within the city of Gibson and the county of Glascock. Its population is roughly 2,049.

The Real Estate Market in the 30810 Zip Code of Gibson, GA

Home Equity and Home Prices in the 30810 Zip Code of Gibson, GA

According to the Zillow Home Value Index, the home equity and home prices in zip code 30810 of Gibson, GA are $171,000 and $187,000 respectively. This is a 0.9% increase from last year. The average home value in zip code 30810 is $173,700. The median home value is $172,500. The percentage of homes valued at over $250,000 is 2%.

The average rent price in zip code 30810 is $1,100 which is a 1% increase from last year. The percentage of households earning over $75k annually is 5%.

There are currently 121 homes for sale in zip code 30810 with an average list price of $174,900 and an average asking price of $179,900. This represents a 3% decrease from last year’s list price and an 8% decrease from this year’s asking price. There are currently 97 homes available for purchase with an average list price of $183,200 and an asking price of$189,800. This represents a 4% decrease from last year’s list price and a 9% decrease from this year’s asking price

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