Zip Code:

30815, Hephzibah, GA

30815 is a Georgia Zip code within the city of Hephzibah and the county of Richmond County. Its population is roughly 41,629.

The Real Estate Market in Hephzibah, GA

The 30815 zip code of Hephzibah, GA is located in the southeastern portion of the state. The area has a population of approximately 9,000 and an average household income of $50,000. Home prices in this zip code have increased by an average of 10% over the past year. This increase is likely due to strong demand and limited supply.

Home equity is one measure of a person's wealth. Home equity can be thought of as the difference between what a person owes on their home and what their home is worth. In general, homeownership is associated with higher levels of home equity than renting. The percentage of homeowners in the 30815 zip code was 69% in 2016 according to data from Zillow. This compares favorably to the national average rate which was around 63%.

One reason that homeownership rates are high in this zip code may be because there are few available properties for sale compared to other areas in Georgia. According to Trulia, there were only 2 homes for sale as of September 2017 which accounted for just 0.5% percent of all listings in this zip code. This scarcity has led to strong demand and elevated prices for homes within this area.

Price Index: Augusta-Richmond County, GA-SC

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