Zip Code:

31023, Eastman, GA

31023 is a Georgia Zip code within the city of Eastman and the county of Dodge. Its population is roughly 14,315.

The Real Estate Market in Eastman, GA

The 31023 zip code of Eastman, GA has a median home value of $128,000. This is higher than the Georgia state median home value of $101,200. The 31023 zip code also has a higher than average percentage of homes with equity (57%). This indicates that homeowners in this area are more likely to have a significant amount of equity in their homes.

Eastman is located in Cobb County which is one of the most expensive counties in Georgia. The average home value in Cobb County is $269,700. This means that Eastman homeowners have an average equity stake in their homes that is almost double the statewide average.

There are several factors that may contribute to the high equity levels in Eastman homes. First, Eastman residents are likely to be wealthier than residents of other parts of Georgia because Cobb County has a high concentration of affluent households. Second, Eastman homes are likely to be newer and larger than homes in other parts of the state which may give homeowners more equity relative to older or smaller properties. Finally, Eastman residents may be more willing or able to use their home equity as collateral for loans which could increase their overall wealth relative to residents living elsewhere in Georgia.

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