Zip Code:

31331, Townsend, GA

31331 is a Georgia Zip code within the city of Townsend and the county of McIntosh County. Its population is roughly 8,475.

The Real Estate Market in the 31331 Zip Code of Townsend, GA

The Townsend, GA 31331 zip code has a population of around 24,000 people. The median household income is $57,000 and the median home value is $172,500. The home equity in this zip code is around $130,000.

There are a number of factors that contribute to the high home equity in the Townsend, GA 31331 zip code. One reason is that the median household income is high compared to other zip codes in Georgia. Additionally, Townsend has a low rate of unemployment and a good job market. This means that there are many people who are able to afford to buy homes and invest in their home equity.

Another factor contributing to the high home equity in the Townsend, GA 31331 zip code is the low rate of foreclosure activity. This means that there are fewer homes for sale that are being bought by investors or people looking to take out mortgages on short-term terms. As a result, the demand for homes in this zip code is high and prices have increased accordingly.

Price Index: Brunswick, GA

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