Zip Code:
31643 is a Georgia Zip code within the city of Quitman and the county of Brooks County. Its population is roughly 8,344.
The home equity and home prices in the 31643 zip code of Quitman, GA are very high. The median home value in this zip code is $191,000, which is more than double the national median home value of $106,500. Additionally, the percentage of homes in this zip code that are worth more than $200,000 is significantly higher than the national percentage of homes that are worth more than $200,000. This indicates that there is a lot of wealth concentrated in this particular zip code.
One reason for the high home values and percentage of homes that are worth more than $200,000 in the 31643 zip code of Quitman, GA may be because there is a lot of available land in this area. There are also a lot of affluent residents living in this area who may be able to afford to purchase expensive homes. Additionally, Quitman is located near several major cities such as Atlanta and Augusta which may contribute to its high home values and percentage of homes that are worth more than $200,000.
Price Index: Valdosta, GA
Zipcode | Population | Density | Timezone | Latitude | Longitude | City | County | State |
31601 | 30,597 | 76.7 | America/New_York | 30.75159 | -83.34207 | Valdosta | Lowndes County | Georgia |
31638 | 1,047 | 15 | America/New_York | 30.91134 | -83.51955 | Morven | Brooks County | Georgia |
31629 | 956 | 8.5 | America/New_York | 30.82258 | -83.68727 | Dixie | Brooks County | Georgia |
31720 | 237 | 19.7 | America/New_York | 30.87986 | -83.72295 | Barwick | Thomas County | Georgia |