Zip Code:

31712, Arabi, GA

31712 is a Georgia Zip code within the city of Arabi and the county of Crisp County. Its population is roughly 1,056.

The Real Estate Market in the 31712 Zip Code of Arabi, GA

Arabi, GA is located in the 31712 zip code. According to the 2016 American Community Survey, Arabi has a population of 2,827. The median household income is $41,917 and the median family income is $51,181. The average home value in Arabi is $147,000.

The average home equity in Arabi is $101,000. Home prices have increased by 9% since 2013 and are projected to increase by another 5% by 2020. This growth can be attributed to low interest rates and an increasing demand for housing in Arabi due to its close proximity to Atlanta and other major cities.

Arabi homeownership rate is 73%. This high homeownership rate indicates that many residents of Arabi are confident in their ability to maintain their homes and are willing to take on some risk when purchasing a home. Additionally, this high homeownership rate may be attributable to the strong economy in Arabi which has created more jobs over the past few years than there have been homes for sale.

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