Zip Code:

32034, Fernandina Beach, FL

32034 is a Florida Zip code within the city of Fernandina Beach and the county of Nassau County. Its population is roughly 36,395.

The Real Estate Market in the 32034 Zip Code of Fernandina Beach, FL

The 32034 zip code of Fernandina Beach, FL is home to a population of over 36,000 people. The median household income in this zip code is $68,500, and the median home value is $215,000. Home equity and home prices are high in this zip code due to the presence of many affluent residents and the availability of large homes.

There are a number of factors that contribute to the high home values in the 32034 zip code. First, Fernandina Beach is a affluent community with a high median household income. Second, there are a lot of large homes available for sale in this area. Third, interest rates have been low for some time now, which has helped to boost home values even further. Fourth, Fernandina Beach is located near several major cities such as Jacksonville and St Augustine which both have a strong economy and lots of job opportunities. Finally, Fernandina Beach has maintained its status as one of the most desirable places to live in Florida over the past few years. This combination of factors has led to an increase in home equity and home prices in this area over the past few years.

Price Index: Jacksonville, FL

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