Zip Code:

32211, Jacksonville, FL

32211 is a Florida Zip code within the city of Jacksonville and the county of Duval County. Its population is roughly 35,657.

The Real Estate Market in the 32211 Zip Code of Jacksonville, FL

The 32211 zip code of Jacksonville, FL has a median home value of $167,200 and a median home equity value of $111,100. These values are both above the national median home value of $146,600 and the median home equity value of $106,700. The 32211 zip code is also above the Florida statewide median home value of $157,100 and the Jacksonville metropolitan area median home value of $158,000.

There are a number of factors that may contribute to the high values in the 32211 zip code. First, Jacksonville is one of the most affluent cities in Florida and has a large population that is able to afford high-priced homes. Second, many homes in this zip code are owner-occupied which may increase their value due to demand from buyers and limited availability for housing units. Finally, there is a relatively low level of foreclosure activity in this area which may lead to higher values for homes that are still available for sale.

Price Index: Jacksonville, FL

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