Zip Code:

32244, Jacksonville, FL

32244 is a Florida Zip code within the city of Jacksonville and the county of Duval County. Its population is roughly 59,402.

The Real Estate Market in the 32244 Zip Code of Jacksonville, FL

The 32244 zip code of Jacksonville, FL is a rapidly growing area that has seen a significant increase in home equity and home prices over the past few years. According to Zillow, the median home value in this zip code is $211,500, which is significantly higher than the statewide median home value of $181,600. In addition, the percentage of homes that are worth more than their original purchase price has also increased significantly in this zip code. As of September 2017, 54% of homes in this zip code were worth more than their original purchase price. This is much higher than the statewide average of 33%.

One reason for this increase in home values may be due to the fact that Jacksonville is one of the fastest-growing cities in Florida. Over the past five years, Jacksonville has experienced an average growth rate of 2.5%, which is much faster than the statewide average growth rate of 1.9%. Additionally, Jacksonville has been experiencing strong job growth over the past few years and many people are moving to this city for its opportunities and amenities. This influx of people may be contributing to an increase in demand for housing and property values.

Another reason for increased home values may be due to low interest rates across all markets nationwide. Since homeownership is considered a key component of stability and wealth accumulation throughout life, low interest rates may make it more affordable for people to buy homes and invest in property assets. Furthermore, low interest rates may encourage investors to buy residential properties as an investment rather than use them as primary residences or rental properties. This could lead to further increases in home values as there will be a greater demand for these types of properties within the market place.

Overall, it appears that increasing demand from both buyers and investors is responsible for driving up home values across all markets nationwide – including those located within Jacksonville’s 32244 zip code – over recent years. While there are some risks associated with high levels of speculation within any market environment (e.g., sharp increases or decreases in prices), overall it seems that homeownership – and consequently property values – are likely headed upwards over time within this area

Price Index: Jacksonville, FL

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