Zip Code:

32259, Saint Johns, FL

32259 is a Florida Zip code within the city of Saint Johns and the county of St. Johns County. Its population is roughly 52,296.

The Real Estate Market in Saint Johns, FL

The 32259 zip code of Saint Johns, FL is located in the Tampa Bay Area and has a population of around 101,000. Home prices in this area have been increasing steadily over the past few years, reaching a peak in 2017. At present, home prices are slightly lower than they were at their peak but are still above average for the region.

One reason for the recent increase in home prices in this area is that there is strong demand from buyers. In addition, many homes in this zip code are located near major shopping and entertainment destinations, which makes them more desirable to buyers. Additionally, Saint Johns is a relatively affluent community and many people are willing to pay higher prices for homes here.

Despite the recent increase in home prices, there is still plenty of room for price growth in this area. If you're interested in buying a home in Saint Johns, it's important to do your research and compare different properties before making an offer.

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