Zip Code:

32720, Deland, FL

32720 is a Florida Zip code within the city of Deland and the county of Volusia County. Its population is roughly 32,421.

The Real Estate Market in Deland, FL

Home equity is the difference between what a homeowner owes on their home and the value of their home. Home prices are the amount that someone is willing to pay for a property. In general, when there is more demand for a particular type of property than there is available supply, the price of that property will go up. When there is more available supply than demand, the price of that property will go down.

According to Zillow, as of September 2017, the median home value in 32720 was $209,900. This means that half of all homes in this zip code are worth more than $209,900 and half are worth less. Over the past year or so, 32720 has seen an increase in home values; however, it's still considered to be a relatively affordable area by Florida standards.

One reason why 32720 may be relatively affordable compared to other areas in Florida is because it has a low population density. There are only about 3200 people living in this zip code which means that there isn't as much competition for homes (and therefore homes don't tend to cost as much). Additionally, Deland itself isn't very large; so even if there were more homes available for sale in 32720 (due to increased population growth or some other factor), they would likely still be relatively affordable due to limited competition from other buyers.

On the other hand, home prices can also go up due to factors outside of anyone's control (like increasing interest rates). If you're looking to buy a house in 32720 soon and you're worried about whether or not prices will continue going up (or if you're just curious), it's important to keep track of current market conditions so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not now might be a good time to buy into this area.

Price Index: Deltona-Daytona Beach-Ormond Beach, FL

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