Zip Code:

32927, Cocoa, FL

32927 is a Florida Zip code within the city of Cocoa and the county of Brevard County. Its population is roughly 27,377.

The Real Estate Market in Cocoa, Florida

The 32927 zip code of Cocoa, FL has a median home value of $227,000. The home equity in this zip code is $106,000. The average home price in the 32927 zip code has increased by 9.4% over the past year. This is due to an increase in demand and limited supply of homes in this area.

There are currently 2,906 homes for sale in the 32927 zip code. This number is down from 3,542 homes for sale at this time last year. There are also 1,890 listings that are pending sales which suggests that there is still a lot of demand for homes in this area.

The average list price for a home in the 32927 zip code is $269,000 which is up by 6% from last year’s average list price of $257,000. The median days on market for a home in the 32927 zip code is 33 days which indicates that there is still strong demand for homes in this area despite the current low inventory levels.

If you are looking to buy or sell a home within the 32927 zip code you should definitely contact one of our experienced real estate agents at Keller Williams Realty Cocoa Beach today!

Price Index: Palm Bay-Melbourne-Titusville, FL

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