Zip Code:

33043, Big Pine Key, FL

33043 is a Florida Zip code within the city of Big Pine Key and the county of Monroe County. Its population is roughly 4,933.

The Real Estate Market in the 33043 Zip Code of Big Pine Key, FL

The 33043 zip code of Big Pine Key, FL is a popular location for home buyers and sellers. The average sale price in this zip code was $269,000 in May of 2018. This is a 3% increase from the previous year. The average sale price has increased by an average of 2% each year since 2013.

The median sale price in the 33043 zip code was $242,500 in May of 2018. This is a 2% decrease from the previous year but still remains above the statewide median sale price of $217,500.

Home equity is one important factor that affects home prices. In May of 2018, there were 1,814 homes for sale in the 33043 zip code and 1,527 homes had been sold during that month. This represents an 82% occupancy rate for homes for sale and an 83% occupancy rate for homes that have been sold.

The average home value in the 33043 zip code was $269,000 as of May of 2018 which is a 3% increase from 2017 and a 2% increase from 2016. The median home value has increased by an average of 2% each year since 2013 when it was $255,000

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