Zip Code:

33322, Fort Lauderdale, FL

33322 is a Florida Zip code within the city of Fort Lauderdale and the county of Broward County. Its population is roughly 39,097.

The Real Estate Market in the 33322 Zip Code of Fort Lauderdale, FL

The home equity and home prices in the 33322 zip code of Fort Lauderdale, FL are among the highest in the country. The median home value in this zip code is $1,047,000, which is more than double the national median home value of $476,500. The average home value in this zip code has increased by more than 50% since 2000.

The high home values in this zip code are likely due to a combination of factors. First, Fort Lauderdale is one of the most affluent cities in the country and its residents are likely able to afford high-priced homes. Second, there is a large demand for housing in Fort Lauderdale due to its excellent amenities and location. Third, the economy has been strong over the past few years which has led to an increase in house prices across all areas of Florida. Finally, there have been limited opportunities for new housing construction within this zip code over the past few years which has driven up prices even further.

Price Index: Fort Lauderdale-Pompano Beach-Sunrise, FL (MSAD)

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