Zip Code:

33461, Lake Worth, FL

33461 is a Florida Zip code within the city of Lake Worth and the county of Palm Beach County. Its population is roughly 47,735.

The Real Estate Market in the 33461 Zip Code of Lake Worth, Florida

Lake Worth is a city located in Palm Beach County, Florida. According to the 2010 census, the population of Lake Worth was 49,912. The 33461 zip code covers much of the city and has a population of over 41,000 people. Home equity is an important part of many people's lives and it can be difficult to understand just how important it is.

When you own your home, you have access to your home's equity. This means that you can use your home's value as collateral for loans or other financial products. Home equity also gives homeowners a cushion against economic downturns. In fact, according to Zillow, homeowners in the 33461 zip code who have at least 50% of their homes' value in equity are more likely to stay in their homes during tough times than those who don't have any home equity at all.

The average price of a single-family home in Lake Worth was $269,900 as of September 2016 according to Trulia. This means that the average homeowner in the 33461 zip code has nearly $100,000 worth of equity in their home! Additionally, Zillow reports that the median list price for homes within this zip code has increased by 5% over the past year - indicating that there is strong demand for property within this area.

Despite these positive trends, there are some risks associated with having too much home equity. If interest rates rise suddenly or if there is another major economic downturn, homeowners could find themselves struggling to pay off their debts and maintain their homes. It's important for residents of Lake Worth to keep track of current market conditions and make sure they are aware of any changes that could impact their ability to repay loans or maintain their homes values.

Price Index: West Palm Beach-Boca Raton-Boynton Beach, FL (MSAD)

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