Zip Code:

33559, Lutz, FL

33559 is a Florida Zip code within the city of Lutz and the county of Hillsborough County. Its population is roughly 18,473.

The Real Estate Market in the 33559 Zip Code of Lutz, FL

The 33559 zip code of Lutz, FL has a median home value of $135,000. The home equity in this zip code is $42,500. This means that the typical homeowner in this zip code has about $68,500 in equity in their home.

The average price per square foot for homes in the 33559 zip code is $86. This makes this area one of the more expensive areas to live in when it comes to housing prices.

When it comes to home values and equity, there are a few factors that can affect both numbers. These include:

-The amount of money that a homeowner has saved up over time

-The current market conditions (i.e., interest rates, inflation)

-Whether or not a homeowner has made any major repairs or updates to their home

Price Index: Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater, FL

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