Zip Code:

33875, Sebring, FL

33875 is a Florida Zip code within the city of Sebring and the county of Highlands County. Its population is roughly 11,522.

The Real Estate Market in Sebring, Florida

The 33875 zip code of Sebring, FL is located in the Tampa Bay area and has a population of around 34,000. The median home value in this zip code is $158,500 which is about average for the Tampa Bay area. Home equity in this zip code has been growing at a rate of around 6% annually over the past few years, which is faster than the national average. This indicates that there are plenty of buyers and sellers in this area and that home prices will continue to rise.

One reason why home prices have been rising faster in this zip code than elsewhere in the Tampa Bay area is because there are more opportunities for homeowners to refinance their mortgages. In addition, Sebring has seen an influx of new residents who are likely investing in property values. Finally, many people are choosing to live closer to work because Sebring has a strong economy with many jobs available.

Price Index: Sebring-Avon Park, FL

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