Zip Code:

33928, Estero, FL

33928 is a Florida Zip code within the city of Estero and the county of Lee County. Its population is roughly 25,141.

The Real Estate Market in 33928

The 33928 zip code of Estero, FL has a median home value of $196,500. This is higher than the statewide median home value of $181,600 and the national median home value of $177,200. The 33928 zip code also has a high concentration of homes with a value over $300,000.

The 33928 zip code has seen an increase in home equity over the past five years. In 2012, the median home equity was $130,000. By 2016, this had increased to $166,500. This trend is likely due to low interest rates and increasing prices in Estero. Over the past year alone, the average sale price in the 33928 zip code has increased by 7%.

Despite this increase in home equity values, there are still many homeowners who are struggling to pay off their mortgages. In 2016, 27% of homeowners in the 33928 zip code were still paying off their mortgages on their primary residence. This is lower than the statewide average of 33%, but it is still higher than the national average of 21%.

Price Index: Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL

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